Welcome to One-Quarter Acres

Here's a chronicle of life on a plot of land right smack in the suburbs in Minnesota, whose owners would much prefer to be in the middle of nowhere.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Victory gardens then and now

By way of Fiona at the Minneapolis Metblog:

Victory Gardens: Join the Garden Revolution
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Join Rose Hayden-Smith, IATP Food and Society Fellow, national Victory Garden expert from University of California for an in-depth workshop about Victory Gardens and what history can show us in how government can better support community gardening. Rose will review historical case studies and current national policies, and work with participants to articulate public policies for today. The workshop is sponsored by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Gardening Matters.

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
2104 Stevens Avenue South, Minneapolis

Registration: $10; Scholarships available upon request.Please RSVP by June 18 to Anne Walters at awalters@iatp.org or 612-870-3408.

Breakfast refreshments will be provided.


How about adding your garden to the One Million Gardens website? According to the site, "The One Million Garden campaign is designed to identify, encourage, and document the creation of 1,000,000 food gardens throughout the United States by the end of 2009." I'm there as One-Quarter Acres, of course.


  1. Oooh, thanks for sharing the One Million Gardens link - I'm off to post mine!

  2. that's awesome. I need to add my garden.

  3. I need to get my garden on there.



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